Tag Archives: straw boater hat

1906 Niagara Falls

RPPC. Private Collection.

RPPC. Private Collection.

An artistic pose taken in 1906. This RPPC was posted July 8 from Niagara Falls. These two wanted to try something different. Why not pose with our backs to the camera? The shot gives an effect of secrecy and camaraderie.

Tom and George Robinson in straw boaters

Tom & George Robinson. RPPC. Private Collection.

Tom & George Robinson. RPPC. Private Collection.

These two brothers or cousins are IDed on the back. Tom on the left looks neutral enough, but George has this ‘piss off!’ look on his face.

I would love to find more formal portraits from the 1910s with the sitters wearing their straw boater hats but, weirdly enough, I don’t come across many. Here these two match with their hats on with different band designs and colored bowties. Nice shirts too, especially George’s with the pleats. I love the look, but somebody needed to tell him to cool off a bit. :)

RPPC: Artura 1910-1924

A flashy smile on a tintype

A particularly flashy smile on a tintype. Private Collection.

A particularly flashy smile on a tintype. Private Collection.

These two dapper gents in their 30s are posing in front of a cloudy and hilly backdrop all smile! The people with them must have said something really funny for them to look this entertained! This tintype seems late period, maybe around 1910. Their popularity dropped in the first decade of the 1900s, but they were still fairly common with travelling photographers until the 20s.

The glare is from a small bend in the middle reflecting the scanner light. Unfortunately many tintypes have such bends through decades of handling.

Up Close

Snapshot. Private Collection.

1910s-20s snapshot. Private Collection.

This young man looks quite happy in his straw boater and bowtie. Isn’t his big smile infectious? This photograph is postcard size but a bit narrower. An early candid taken outdoors in the sunlight, perhaps a ‘selfie’? :) Of the period there aren’t too many informal pictures of people taken so close to the face.

The smiling two on rowboats

Two gents on rowboats. RPPC. Private Collection.

Two gents on rowboats. RPPC. Private Collection.

Under his cap the poor gent to the left is scarily all skin and bones. Either he was naturally lanky or he was sick; his wedding ring is loose on his finger. His more healthy-sized buddy (or brother – he looks like him) is holding the rowboats together for the picture.

RPPC: AZO 1904-1918